Harris Local Government Offers 24/7 Online Support Options

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Just have a quick how-to question? Now there’s no need to wait for support to take your call or call you back! The Customer Hub is a self-service tool which provides you with quick access to the Knowledge Base where you can find the most frequently asked how-to questions and answers. If you don’t see the answer to your question, you can create a ticket to request a new article.

Using the Customer Hub to create a ticket is the quickest and most efficient way to let HLG product support teams know of a problem you might have encountered on your system. This ensures that your issue is logged, tracked and updated. You can follow the progress online, via the ticket you created, as support works on your problem. Not only are your current tickets available on the hub, but previously closed tickets are also available for review.

If you have created a ticket online, please refrain from calling our support team members about the same problem directly, as this can create a doubling up effect on the tickets created, causing more work and confusion.

If you need instructions on creating a Customer Hub account, logging in or submitting a new ticket, please email us. Otherwise, click on the button below to get started!



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