Financial Services
At Harris, we are committed to helping you ensure your business is equipped to meet today’s financial requirements — and flexible enough to embrace the opportunities that lie ahead. With Harris Financial Services (HFS), you’ll now have the same high level of flexibility when it comes to financing not only your Harris Local Government products, but also most any capital projects that are being planned.
What is Harris Finance Services?
HFS offers competitive leasing and extended financing capabilities in conjunction with our municipal financial partners. Customers are paired with the financial partner that is best suited to meet their unique requirements.
- Bundle monthly or quarterly payment for product, service, software, third-party equipment as well as other capital projects such as vehicle purchases or even park renovations.
- Have an operating budget solution vs. a capital budget constraint
- Avoid the requirement of a down payment
- Pay only for useful life of equipment, and avoid keeping outdated products
- Preserve existing lines of credit
- Manage budgets more easily with low payments

Our highly respected financial partners:
- Are focused on the needs of the public sector
- Enable access to capital with highly unmatched terms
- Offer a variety of financing options to fit your budget including monthly, quarterly, semiannual, and annual. Delayed payment options to fit budget timing requirements
- Handle the invoicing and collection of monthly payments

Interested in Our Financing or Leasing Program?
Contact our sales team if you would like information about financing or leasing your Harris Local Government solutions or capital projects.
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Program Details:
- Financing for projects $12,000 and up
- Simple one-page financing application form
- Anticipated one business-day response to inquiries
- Up to 5-year term
- Financing quotes include a complete payout with no residual due at the end of the lease.
- Interest rates anticipated to be comparable to prevailing rates in each country and credit strength of customer

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
A: Our partners fund Municipal and Commercial transactions throughout North America.
Q: How are your rates?
A: We are supported by very competitive finance programs. We have a large network of financial relationships.
Q: Do you only finance Municipalities?
A: Our finance partners work with Government entities, nonprofit organizations and commercial customers.
Q: Can you work with difficult regulations and requirements with government transactions?
A: Municipal (Government) Finance is our partner’s specialty — offering Lease Purchase structures. We provide many finance products for the most general or specific needs. After up to 30 years or more of experience, our partners know how to get through the red tape. They are results oriented. Efficient and fast.
Q: Is it just software or other equipment too?
A: Our partner’s finance software, equipment, and even projects for government entities. Most municipal managers are not aware that we can finance a 100% software installation for as long as 5 years, really enhancing your budget and cash flow. For government entities, we have financed the acquisition or refurbishment of public buildings.
Please refer to our Resource Center for additional information and training on Harris Computer solutions.
Q: When would payments begin?
A: Payments commence based on standard terms in the agreement — generally, after delivery of the product and installation.
A: In the USA municipal leases have a special Tax Exempt Municipal Financing advantage. There are also advantages in Canada. Commercial companies can take nice tax write-offs in both countries as well.
Q: What is the difference between an equipment lease and an equipment loan?
A: On a loan, the title belongs to the customer (borrower), and the lender takes a lien on the equipment. On a lease, the title rests with the lessor. The lessor buys the equipment, then leases to the lessee until the end of the lease.
Q: How do payments work when there are partial shipments?
A: Monthly payments will begin for the amount of the shipment. As more shipments occur for the same order, the monthly payments will increase relating to the equipment shipped.
Q: I’ve heard that bond financing can be expensive.
A: Not only is our interest extremely low, and the process super simple, but there are zero advance issuance costs – the kind that you experience with bond financing.
Q: What can we contact you about?
A: Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have about:
- Municipal Finance
- 100% Software Financing
- Project financing
- Equipment financing
- Real Property Financing